Wednesday, August 30, 2006

map making

Days are going pretty slowly...I'm am at uni from Mon to Thu so there's no much else to do. is pretty much classes all the time, which is not too bad because people are incredibly nice and the lessons are more a big chat between everybody than a proper class.people are quite open here, after having spent 3 years in Scotlans i'm not so used to so much spontaneity, but is good it's like everybody is more relaxed. i don't know yet if the uni is good or not though. Some classes are great, other are fun but not very usefull and there oonly one that is really boring. saying that today i've just had my geography lesson and we draw the map of europe, how fun was that??? people were asking things like " iceland is in europe?" or "where are the alps?" (what's the capital city of ireland" and so's it's funny how every little thing remind me that i'm not on the same part of the the by i guess that they'll have a big laugh at me when we'll have to draw latin america... what's the capital of belize? :-)

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